Sunday, October 30, 2011

Underwood Farms

Every year we take a trip to the Underwood Family Farms at Halloween time. Here are the kids at the end listening to the country band play and eating their snacks.

Unlimited snowcones- we got 2 refills..........gotta get our moneys worth!

Creed started getting a little tired at the end and decided to cover himself with his hat

Our little cowboys

Everyone LOVED climbing up and jumping down the hay stack.

Creed couldn't get enough of brushing the goats.

They went down this John Deere slide about 20 times.

we love the farm!


Natalie and Jay said...

Love, love, LOVE these pictures!

Shannon said...

This farm looks like a ton of fun. I especially like how they turned the tractor into a slide. Fun pictures of your kids.