We got to spend the day at Disneyland for Sara's Birthday. Mike was off so I just took Coley and we had a blast. We stayed all day and basically walked onto every ride.
Eating our monte cristo sandwich and pomme frittes.....I don't care what anyone says Disneyland has amazing food!! This is one of my favorite meals ever
Waiting for the train....
Meeting Mickey!
Getting a better view of the parade
Walked straight onto dumbo. First time that has ever happened...
Love spending quality time with this big guy! He is so funny and smart he has me laughing non stop...
Merry go round vision
I love this girl and if you have been blessed to meet her you would know she is one of the most gifted, generous, crafty, smart, outrageously funny, beautiful on the inside and out and SUPER FUNNEST people I know!! I have been so blessed to have her in my life I thank Heavenly Father everyday for all the good friends I have and feel he is really watching out for me.........life is so much easier with amazing friends and both mike and I have been very blessed in that department.