In 1 1/2 months this little girl turns 5! I feel like she was just an 18 month old falling asleep on my chest. Now she is putting lip gloss on and asking me if she looks like Hannah Montana. How the heck does she know who she is anyway! I asked her and she said she saw her on a backpack. Funny you try to keep them away from things and they find out regardless. She is growing so much too. I am trying to teach her how to be loving and generous because my mom and grandma always taught me that. My grandma just told me the other day that her and my grandpa always had the motto give until it hurts a little, then give a little more than that. So we were getting together a little present for a friend and Savannah was having a hard time with it. She wanted to keep some of the trinkets we had bought. After it was put together and we were bringing it over she said "mom even though I'm a little sad I can't keep this, it feels good to give to friends, don't you think?" I think that fits my Grandma's motto perfectly! I was so impressed by her maturity.
Madalyn does the same thing with Hannah Montana, she has never seen the show but loves the clothes, and stuff. Very cute pictures of the kids. I agree about going from 1 to 2 kids is harder than 2 to 3.
I am very proud that Savy's mom wants to follow in her mom's and grandma's foot steps. Wish I could have known your mom Niki, she sounds like a great lady.
Savannah, I'm so glad you did something nice for your friend, you are awsome! The pictures of you are beautiful and you look so grown up!
It is impressive to think that Savannah is nearly 5. Where does the time go. She is such a cute girl that is growing up so much!
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