Who wants to hear another story about my stupid stroller obsesssion? Let me tell you a little about the last strollers I bought
Phil and Ted Vibe- kept one month, sold for 100$ profit
Phil and Ted Sport- used 2 months, sold for a 50$ profit
Then bought another Phil and Ted Sport double from costco for a smoking hot deal of $299 in a color I liked better than the other. I still have that one.
Ok so after I get one stroller I start obsessing over another. And this time it was of all things, the bugaboo. Of course no sane person would spend that much money on a stroller you think to yourself. But....
I understand that it might seem grossly materialistic (heads up for those of you who don't know, a complete cameleon sells for around $979.00-yes completely insane). But in my defense, have you pushed one for yourself? The other day I was at the Topanga Mall, just minding my own business in my phil and ted (which I love equally in a different way), when someone walks by with the cutest stroller. Something that beautiful deserves to be complimented. Me "Wow is that a bugaboo?" her "yes" Me "But the canopy" Her "Its custom". Then she turned and walked away with her nanny following close behind. So of course I had to research them for myself when I got home. (and I found some super cute ones here and here- of course I had time to spend scouring the internet for canopys of a stroller I didn't even have) So every now and then I would check craigslist for a super good deal and ended up finding one in Manhattan Beach. Mike warned me that it was probably stolen and refused to go -plus he was getting his teeth deep cleaned thanks roger:). Good thing I have a crazy friend like Sara who is super fun and down for new adventures! We made a day of it and hit the beach after. So we loaded the kids in the car and headed down to Manhattan (which is only about 45 minutes away much to my surprise) We pull up to the house and there is this super young girl in her garage surrounded by about 10 strollers and tons of super nice gym equipment. We were talking and I went in to get a drink and noticed her house was MASSIVE (and 2 blocks from the beach) I was like how old are you, like 25, and she was like yeah. I asked if she married a sugar daddy and she laughed and said no, my husband is a king. Blank stare from me. An L A king, he plays hockey for them. I get it! She was super sweet. I am lucky to have met her because now I have 2 new toys in my garage!

i want a bugaboo bee!!! no i am not having a baby but i love that stroller and have wanted one forever. a girl in my class 2 years ago had a bugaboo frog and i did the same thing. i ran home and researched them immediately because i thought it was the cutest thing ever. but i LOVE the bee!!
I want to see pictures of this stroller. I have the Phil and Ted sport, which I love - and didn't think they got any better. Great job on your deals!
That is too funny!!! I will have to let Ryan read this. I am a little stroller obsessed too. We have bought and sold a few om Craig's list.
the cameleon is on the bottom, the bee is above it.
Nikki, you have quite the obsession. It makes me laugh.
Nice job--very impressed!
Looks like you guys made a fun day of it!
You are too funny! You are the "Super Deal Queen." I just got two really nice chairs from craigslist, for super cheap too. I love a deal.
I love that story--i call one of your strollers someday when i actually have a little person to put in it!
Seriously??? I sure am glad that you really only spent $150. I think it is ridiculous to pay so much money for something your kid is going to puke in, poo in, and spill all sorts of stuff that will only end up smelling rotten in. I will give you this, you certainly know how to find a good deal.
I'm just grateful I have my umberella stroller to push! But am very proud of your smart buying!
Have fun with your new stroller.
Will you still be my sister-in-law when you see me wheeling my kid around in our 5-year-old, clunky, dirty, awkwardly heavy Graco stroller we bought when Drew was born?
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