Holiday Pictures 2011. Thank you Miriam . Dang I just can't stop looking at these pictures and thinking how beautiful my kids are! And how painless this photography session was. Literally like 20 minutes and we were done. Good thing one of my parenting methods is bribery (and that Miriam is amazing). Made a quick stop at the dollar store after. Hey we all do things to get SOMETHING, I don't care what any of you say. Raising your kids may seem selfless, but part of the reason we do it is so they can turn out to be good people. Go to church and choose the right so you can feel the spirit and get blessings. Go to work to earn money. Might as well start them young. The other day I was at Sprouts and telling a screaming Creed if he stopped I would give him a balloon. An old lady next to me stopped and said well I know who's in charge here. I smiled at her politely and thought to myself easier said than done!! I handed over the balloon when he stopped, making the rest of my shopping trip stress free (and quiet). So I'm in charge lady.....but thanks for the advice....:)
just so you know, everyone bribes their kids for pictures. and, if i recall correctly, it wasn't the dollar store that got everyone's attention, it was the mike and nicole show going on behind me. you guys were on fire! and seriously, this was one of my easiest shoots ever. they were so good! so easy! and such beautiful children. i'd have to be an idiot to mess this up (thank goodness i'm not an idiot!).
thanks for calling me to do pictures! it was so great!
Your kids are gorgeous! When did you have time to get these taken?
Your kids are adorable. Love the pictures.
Love! Love! Love! those pictures. And I would agree with your Nicole, yes YOU are in charge! Keep up the good work!
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