Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Christmas at home!

Cole's new leapstear-he is officially a gamer. Savannah above with her little hamster. Notice her wet hair. She had a little accident with some gum on the way home. She was like "its no big deal we will just cut off this little piece" (picture a chunk with most of the hair on the front of one side of her head) We spent 30 minutes greasing it out with peanut butter. Worked like a charm.
Creed and his tonka truck
Savvy's favorite present- a video camera

This Christmas was a pretty wierd Christmas for us! I had lots of extra work (basically on call every night and working 2 days which I never do) and Mike had off so I convinced him to take the kids for the week to Utah to be with family for the holidays. Worked a ton while they were gone but had a few (ok maybe 4 ) lunch dates catching up with friends and got to see a movie that Mike would have never wanted to see. Mani/ pedi, and The habit for my Christmas Eve dinner? Lets just say that I was solo in starting the new Strong Family Christmas Eve tradition. Because this is definitly one that will carry on for years to come. And on Christmas I spent the whole day at the hospital, got to eat there for 2 free meals actually. Prime rib. Then more prime rib. Actually ate a little del taco leftovers as well. Interesting combo. So this was a different year for us.
But I couldn't have been more ready for my family to come home! They got home late Monday night and we were going to wait until the next day to have Christmas, but we couldn't stand it :)


Nana Donna said...

We had so much fun with Mike and the kids, but it would have been much more fun having Nicole with our family parties. We missed her so much!

Tyson and Carrie said...

Oh How sad Nicole. Had no idea you were alone. do what you have to do right. Glad your family is home.