Last month I took the kids up to Utah/Idaho for a camping trip to Bear Lake with the family. While at the lake, Uncle Jay and Aunt Natalie decided to rent a wave runner for an afternoon. Above is Papa John with Sydney and Savannah.
I have to admit that I wasn't sure what to expect from the whole family camping trip to Bear Lake. I hadn't been to Bear Lake since I was nine years old I think, and all I could remember was playing in dad's canoe and playing in the sand. Very very vague memories. Anyways, as I drove over the top of Logan Canyon and descended the mountain, I decided that Logan Canyon is possibly one of the most beautiful places on Earth. We stayed at the KOA campground which was really fun. The grass was green, there were nice shade trees and regardless of what all the Utah people say, I think the camp spots were huge. Well, compared to the beach camping down here in California anyways. The campground had a nice pool, grocery store, playground, those six seat bikes for rent, and the kids were able to go on a fun tractor ride around the campground.
The time in Utah was a lot of fun too. We were able to spend time with all the cousins and got to go to an awesome pizza place that puts Chuckee Cheese to shame (thanks Brandt and Soupie).
Anyways, we will update some more of the fun things we have been up to in the past month or so. Tomorrow we are heading to Disneyland for a day of fun with the kids. We also have a camping trip to Carpinteria coming up so keep checking up on us and we will do better to keep current with our blog.

The cousins playing in the sand.

Sydney and Cole playing on the sweet inner tube at the lake.

Cole and Tayler.

Sydney, Creed and Cole.

Aunt Shannon with Logan and Savvy in the background at our campsite.

Savannah inside the inner tube with Cole and Dresden.

Uncle Jay rolling someone in the tube in front of Nana and Papa's house.

Cole at home. He is a crazy little boy and we love him so so much!