Thanks to our friends John and Erika, we were able to stay at a really nice hotel/condo in Indio over Spring Break!
However, we didn't know it was Coachella Music Festival the same weekend. Darn Young Folk!!!

Savannah blowing bubbles off the balcony. The grounds at the hotel were beautiful.

Creed having a tantrum because he wanted to eat a sucker for dinner. Seriously, the kid does not eat anything!

Beautiful family!!! Just on our way back to the room for a nap before heading back out to the pool in the evening.

Cole and Creed playing in the kids pool. Notice how Cole had to wear a PFD and Creed did not. Hmm.

Savannah playing with her super squirter in the kids pool.

This picture doesn't do justice to how big and full the moon looked.

Finishing up swimming after a long long long day at the pool! The sun and heat kicked my behind!!

Dad and Savvy. I had just shaved my head (summer hairdo) so I was worried about frying my scalp. Luckily I was smart and kept the sunscreen slathered thick.

Creed spent hours just falling back into the water and rolling over and picking himself back up. He is so comfortable in the water this year. Bad news, he has no idea how to swim. The beach will be exciting this year.

My Big Moose! I am trying to get this nickname to stick for Cole. He is such a big guy. Funny thing about Cole, he talks with his hands more than anyone I know. It's funny. When he talks to Nik and I it probably looks like he's lecturing us with how much hand action is going on.

Back in the room munchin some string cheese.