My good friend Stephen, whom I grew up with my whole childhood has moved to California. I last saw him seven years ago when he married Nadia. They drove down to our neck of the woods to spend the weekend with us. (Above L-R) Mia, Stephen, Cole, Nadia, Savannah, Nicole, Ella and Creed.

Cole is such a handsome young man, or boy, or toddler? Man he is such a big guy! People look at us like we are crazy when we tell them he is 3

Our little dark haired beauty, Savannah. Tonight at dinner I asked Cole to tell Savannah how she looked. Cole responded with, "Uh, Savannah your just so pretty like a white flower".

Kids hanging out on the fountain outside the Santa Barbara Mission.

We weren't even going to stop at the Mission but decided to just take a couple pictures. Yea, try an hour of pictures! The kids were having a blast just running around on the large grassy area in front of the Mission.

The last time we came to the Mission, I didn't even notice any of the statues atop the Mission. Granted, it was pouring rain last time but still.

Creed is such a character. He is starting to get a bit taller. I haven't realized it until the other day when all of a sudden he can grab things off the counter (NOT A GOOD THING!!!).

Savannah and Mia playing together.

Savannah and Mia's teddy bear. Hopefully she didn't want the ribbon on the bear because between my three kids, it was gone within minutes.

Creed is a miniature tumbler. He just went off on his own most of the time and spent that time doing somersaults and rolling around in grass. The good thing was that he was so pleased with himself, it gave us lots of picture opportunities.

My Beautiful wife and Creed.

The Barkers were trying to get some family pictures and apparently my kids would rather be in their family...

That's more like it.

We didn't go into the Mission on this trip but I would recommend doing so to anyone visiting. It is really beautiful and it's interesting to learn about how the Church worked with the Natives to survive and thrive in the area in the early 1800's.

The Santa Barbara Zoo with the Barkers.

The highlight of the zoo for the kids is always the anthill made of artificial grass. The kids slide down on pieces of cardboard. Very exciting!

Even Creed enjoyed the ant hill. Until he got to the bottom and he stopped. Then he would cry until he was carried back to the top and sent on his way once more. Thanks to the Barkers for coming to visit. We had such a fun time and always love when friends come to visit!