After watching cupcake wars a couple weeks ago-yes of course I LOVE that show!! We decided to go visit the Natural History museum. It was so neat!

Creed absolutely loving taking everything in, he is so curious about everything. He walked around pointing at things and saying "this?, this?"

Let me out! this is him below at the end of his stroller ropes. C'mon the kirsten doll isn't complaining!

The kids loved going and looking at all the exhibits.

Seriously how huge is that whale!!

These dinosaurs were Cole's favorite part. He loved them! Savvy was scared of them even though they were just bones.

We went to the Grove before since we were going to be in LA anyway.

This was our first visit to the American Girl Store. Jolisa talk about it all the time so we had to go check it out too! Savvy kept getting compliments on her Kirsten doll and how well she had kept her up. Not to brag but it was all me! My original kirsten doll from when I was a little girl. I never took out her braids because I wanted her hair to stay perfect. Savvy REALLY wants to take out her braids, she is dying to, I am just about ready to give up the fight because really now is that something I have the time or energy for right now? American girls used to be super popular when I was little. funny how things come back around. Or did it ever leave? Savvy picked out a new outfit and bag to carry her in. It bugged me that the bags are made to carry 2 dolls. Like each little girl needs 2 80$ dolls!!

In front of the cafe where you can go and eat lunch with your doll.

The grove is an awesome mall. We will be back there soon for sure. Right when we got there we had a little mishap. I walked away from my stroller to take this picture (below) and when I came back realized my purse (that has been hanging from a hook on the stroller) was missing. I freaked out and Mike talked to a security guard and made a report. They asked us where we had parked and what stores we had been to. I cancelled my debit card and phone, etc. 30 minutes later we got a call from the security guard saying he had been going through the security cameras and saw right as we were walking through the parking lot my purse dropped off the stroller well it sat on the ground in the parking structure for awhile until someone picked it up and placed it on the top of another car! We got so lucky! So they had gone up and it was still there. Crisis averted. I am a little more careful now with my purse :)