Back to school night.......this year has flown. Only 4 more days left of kindergarten!

Even though they both weigh almost 40 lbs she still thinks she is way bigger than him

she has had this outfit planned for about 2 weeks, I am not joking.

My little guys buck teeth, zoom in on the pic to check them out

The new and highly anticipated Bee +.

Sword fight

Can you fix it? Yes he can! I am forever finding tools all over the house. At any given moment in any given room I can reach down and pick up a tool. Both the boys carry them all over then decide they want a different one and drop it to get another. Repeat cycle.

An indian museum park near our house, the kids love it and we usually see deer there.

Yup, a little brownie and pink milk. Hey that's why you exercise, right?

The perfect hiker! He had a little milk with his brownies
Mike and savvy

dream come true for creed, what baby doesn't love dirt?

a little happier here

Family hiking can't you tell how thrilled everyone is in this pic?