My name is Cole. But I don't pronounce it Cole, I say I'm Toll. I'm a pretty big guy and am in the 90% for height and 75% for weight.

I love spaghetti

I love the zoo. When I'm there I can't wait to see all the animals and my favorites are the monkeys.

I love cars, and crashing them into each other
I love Thomas and sleep with him every night. I also love playing with my train table and can keep myself entertained with it for hours. I know the names of all the trains and correct my mom when she calls Gordon Percy or vica versa.

I love my sister Savannah and would do anything to protect her. I also love poking Creed in the face and saying Tute baby!!

I love Liza my bff. We go to the park together everyday and if she can't go that day I whine the whole time "where's Liza" in my super deep voice

I love wrestling (mike made this picture, it looks super freaky huh!)

I am getting bigger everyday and learning so much. Some other things I love: the park, walks, reading, Dora, Caillou, popcorn, my cousins, my Nana and Papa, bossing around my dog Ruby (I am so used to being bossed by Savannah it feels good to be in charge for a change) and my telling my mom and dad that I love them.