brown eyed girl...

Ready to go out to a birthday party! Cole is pretty upset because he thought the birthday toy was his. MINE!! Pease momma! MINE! He was devastated when it got wrapped...

We got Savannah this new LeapFrog game for the tv that helps her spell words. She is getting pretty good at it and loves to impress us! Cole stands by the tv and yells the letter and the sound. He says heh, heh, H, heh, heh, H. SO cute

Mike worked Monday-Thursday so this week went by super fast. He now has 8 days off so we are getting the house ready for Christmas and Thanksgiving! The grimmers are coming to stay tomorrow for the night and Jason and Erin are coming for Thanksgiving! We are excitied to have company. Here are some of the highlights of the week:
-Finally got our dinner club together, we will start in a couple weeks. I have really been missing this since moving from Lancaster. What a time saver it was, I absolutely loved it! If anyone is interested in starting one of their own, get the book Girlfriends on the Go, Dinner Club (not the exact title but something like that) by Suzie Roberts.
-Got food posioning from bad Chinese food, yuk I will skip all Chinese for the rest of the pregnancy
-Went to another Sample sale with Laura, we stayed at a hotel the night before and then got there nice and early. We stayed like 3 hours and still didn't have enough time. Addison was a natural born shopper and a crowd pleaser as well..such a cutie.... we found fun baby stuff, I loved it!
-Signed up Savannah for a charter school called EARTH, it's a science magnet school here in Thousand Oaks, well she will go in the lottery and if she is picked she will start there next fall. Can't you just picture her in a cute little uniform! I am so hoping she will get in, it has more individualized teaching methods, smaller classroom sizes and hands on learning type of activities. They also offer full day kindgergarten 8-1:30 so I will be able to actually accomplish a few things while she is there. We don't find out until the middle of Jan if she gets in our not, cross your fingers!
Now we are looking forward to the holidays!!