It was Audree's baby blessing on Sunday and it was such a nice day! Steven looking happy to be eating hot dogs shortly........

Matching apple dresses - thank you gymboree fall line......

You can't see Savannah's purse, but it is very lovely. Grandma Lorraine gave her a purse made from a little striped sock, then put money in it. Then Aunt Jan made it into a necklace with some grosgrain ribbon and filled it with candy. It is a Savannah favorite now.

Audree decided she wanted to try rolling over at the ripe age of almost 2 months -(she should really only be almost 1 month but she decided to come almost 5 weeks early) We were propping her up for pictures and she kept rolling over.

Here is Samantha and Savannah. Samantha is one of Savannah's BFFs. Savannah is always asking when we can go see Samantha or when she can come visit us! We loved seeing the Grimmers this weekend! ( I posted these pics after Mike blogged because the pics weren't uploading)
Hello all who read our blog from time to time. It has been a beautiful summer and I can't believe it is nearly over. We have enjoyed ourselves so much and can't wait to see how the winter is here in Thousand Oaks. Hopefully for Nicole, it won't be nearly as cold as Lancaster was.
Savannah got a great surprise today from her doctor. I (Mike) took Savannah to the doctor today for another check up for her broken arm. The doctor said her arm is healed and said it was time to take the cast off. She just had a new cast (water proof) put on one week ago, and now it was time for it to come off? I could not believe it was already time. I always thought a cast needed to stay on from 6 to 8 weeks, Savannah's has only been on for 4 weeks to the day. So off came the cast. I thought Savannah was going to pass out with how much she was screaming and crying, even after I held the saw against my hand to show her it doesn't hurt. I think she had a harder time with the cast removal, than with the initial break. But it's off, and she just needs to keep her arm in a sling for a week. Just in time for her birthday!
Nicole said she thinks she saw gender last this morning while scanning herself at work. Does anyone want to guess what we are having? Feel free to give us your impressions.
Cole is still playing like a boy, hitting biting, scratching, pulling, jumping and falling. I'm just waiting for his bones to start breaking from all of the rough play! Nicole swears he is going to be brain dead by the time he gets to preschool, I'm just glad he likes trucks and trains and not dolls and tea parties!
Nicole and I are making final preparations for our trip to Mexico. We bought new swimsuits for ourselves (thanks to Shannon for Nicole for visiting her little favorite layers clearance sale and getting some suits for 15 dollars which nicole was super thrilled about) and have been taking self defense classes in case any drug cartel thugs try to kidnap us while we are there! Not really, but how bad would that suck if it really did happen. Maybe then I'd choose to go to Hawaii instead of Mexico, but until then, I'll take my chances.